Image and Copy Use



This site is not affiliated with PEANUTS Worldwide or Charles Schulz. As a tribute to the works of Charles Schulz, any images, photos, quotes, etc. are for entertainment purposes and to illustrate the continuing story of Peanuts in our lives. Comics used on this site are part of the embed feature. Any drawings used are photoshopped collectibles from our collection.

Images used on this site including, but not limited to, the Collectibles for Sale section, Collection Showcase section were all taken by, and copyright by, Caren Pilgrim. Copyright is not limited to only images displaying the “©” watermark. If you would like to use one of these images for a website, I would be happy to allow you to do so for non-commercial purposes with an appropriate link back to this site. For more information or commercial considerations, please email Caren at

Any other images used on this site are property of their respective parties. The More Collections images are used with permission by the owners of the photos to be used only on this site and its properties. Any advertisement photos, logos, etc. are used in conjunction with promoting their products through an affiliate program.

We occasionally link to outside sources on this site and give full credit to the site linked to. uses images to illustrate educational articles in our mission to teach the history and appreciation of Peanuts collectibles. If there is a problem, please let us know at

Use of images from on eBay listings, Craigslist classifieds or any other ways of selling second-hand merchandise is an image copyright violation. Selling an item without making it clear to the customer that the image is not a true representation of the actual item being sold is unethical and not condoned by the owners. items are not sold on eBay and any instances of our photos being used in online marketplace listings are unauthorized.

Use of images from on Facebook, Instagram, Pinterest, and other social media platforms for personal use (non-commercial) is allowed with citation. Please cite your source or link back to This not only shows your appreciation for creating this original Peanuts content but also helps others find us, too. The more grows, the more there will be to share. Thank you!


Copy content is written by the owner of and copyrighted material. Any quotations used give credit to the original owner and are copyrighted to that original owner. Anyone using material from this website without giving credit to the original author violates the copyright on that material.

For more on copyright law, please visit If you find a violation of these terms, please report it to us at Thank you!

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