Needlepoint Kits

Snoopy & Woodstock with Hobo Packs Stitchery Picture

Snoopy & Woodstock with Hobo Packs Stitchery Picture

Snoopy sitting with trophy Stitchery Picture

Snoopy sitting with trophy Stitchery Picture

Snoopy carrying skiis Stitchery Picture

Snoopy carrying skiis Stitchery Picture

Snoopy & Woodstock on doghouse Stitchery Picture

Snoopy & Woodstock on doghouse Stitchery Picture

Snoopy & Woodstock with Christmas Tree Stocking Kit

Snoopy & Woodstock with Christmas Tree Stocking Kit

Snoopy listening to Woodstock singing on doghouse Needlepoint Kit

Snoopy listening to Woodstock singing on doghouse Needlepoint Kit

Peanuts Gang around Snoopy's Doghouse Finished Needlepoint Picture

Peanuts Gang around Snoopy’s Doghouse Finished Needlepoint Picture

Peanuts Gang playing Baseball Finished Needlepoint Picture

Peanuts Gang playing Baseball Finished Needlepoint Picture

Snoopy & Woodstock on Doghouse Needlepoint Kit

Snoopy & Woodstock on Doghouse Needlepoint Kit

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