Newspaper Posters

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Peanuts Hang-Up #1 - Snoopy

Peanuts Hang-Up #1 – Snoopy
Chicago Tribune, 1968

Peanuts Hang-Up #2 - Charlie Brown

Peanuts Hang-Up #2 – Charlie Brown
Chicago Tribune, 1968

Peanuts Hang-Up #3 - Lucy

Peanuts Hang-Up #3 – Lucy
Chicago Tribune, 1968

Peanuts Hang-Up #4 - Linus

Peanuts Hang-Up #4 – Linus
Chicago Tribune, 1968

Peanuts Hang-Up #5 - Charlie Brown and Snoopy

Peanuts Hang-Up #5 – Charlie Brown and Snoopy
Chicago Tribune, 1968

Peanuts Hang-Up #6 - Charlie Brown, Linus and Snoopy

Peanuts Hang-Up #6 – Charlie Brown, Linus and Snoopy
Chicago Tribune, 1968

Peanuts Hang-Up #7 - Lucy

Peanuts Hang-Up #7 – Lucy
Chicago Tribune, 1968

Peanuts Hang-Up #8 - Charlie Brown and Snoopy

Peanuts Hang-Up #8 – Charlie Brown and Snoopy
Chicago Tribune, 1968

Peanuts Hang-Up #9 - Schroeder

Peanuts Hang-Up #9 – Schroeder
Chicago Tribune, 1968

Peanuts Hang-Up #10 - The Gang

Peanuts Hang-Up #10 – The Gang
Chicago Tribune, 1968

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