Over-sized Cards

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Charlie Brown holding Kite Stand-up

Charlie Brown holding Kite Stand-up

Lucy holding sign Over-sized stand-up Card

Lucy holding sign Over-sized stand-up Card

Snoopy on Doghouse 'How old did you say you are this Birthday?' Card

Snoopy on Doghouse ‘How old did you say you are this Birthday?’ Card

Santa Snoopy in Sleigh 'And I heard him exclaim as he drove out of sight...' Card

Santa Snoopy in Sleigh ‘And I heard him exclaim as he drove out of sight…’ Card

Snoopy standing on planet 'Happiest Birthday anyone has ever had in the recorded history of the universe' Card

Snoopy standing on planet ‘Happiest Birthday anyone has ever had in the recorded history of the universe’ Card

Snoopy & Woodstock vampire Halloween Card

Snoopy & Woodstock vampire Halloween Card

Linus holding flower Greeting Card

Linus holding flower Greeting Card

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