Bumper Stickers

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Let's Elect Linus

Let’s Elect Linus
Bumper Sticker

Win with Charlie Brown & Let's Elect Linus Bumper Stickers

Win with Charlie Brown & Let’s Elect Linus
Bumper Stickers
Hallmark, 1968

Win with Charlie Brown & Let's Elect Linus Bumper Stickers

Win with Charlie Brown & Let’s Elect Linus
Bumper Stickers
Hallmark, 1968

Snoopy for President & Lucy for First Lady Bumper Sticker

Snoopy for President & Lucy for First Lady Bumper Sticker
Hallmark, 1968

Snoopy for President Bumper Sticker

Snoopy for President Bumper Sticker
Hallmark, 1968

Lucy for First Lady Bumper Sticker

Lucy for First Lady Bumper Sticker
Hallmark, 1968

Lucy 'If you don't vote, don't crab' Bumper Sticker

Lucy ‘If you don’t vote, don’t crab’ Bumper Sticker
Hallmark, 1976

Pigpen 'Let's clean up government' Bumper Sticker

Pigpen ‘Let’s clean up government’ Bumper Sticker

Snoopy dancing 'Vote for the party of your choice' Bumper Sticker

Snoopy dancing ‘Vote for the party of your choice’ Bumper Sticker

Snoopy & Woodstock holding flag 'Joe Cool leaning on rock 'Don't be a fool, Vote Joe Cool' Bumper Sticker

Joe Cool leaning on rock ‘Don’t be a fool, Vote Joe Cool’ Bumper Sticker

Snoopy wearing Top Hat 'Snoopy for President' Bumper Sticker

Snoopy wearing Top Hat ‘Snoopy for President’ Bumper Sticker
Hallmark, 1976

Snoopy wearing tri-cornered hat 'Get in the Spirit of '76' Bumper Sticker

Snoopy wearing tri-cornered hat ‘Get in the Spirit of ’76’ Bumper Sticker
Hallmark, 1976

Snoopy & Woodstock holding flag 'Happy Birthday America' Bumper Sticker

Snoopy & Woodstock holding flag ‘Happy Birthday America’ Bumper Sticker
Hallmark, 1976

Snoopy holding nose wearing Rollerskates 'Don't be a Bumper Sticker' Bumper Sticker

Snoopy holding nose wearing Rollerskates ‘Don’t be a Bumper Sticker’ Bumper Sticker
Hallmark, Mid 1970s

Snoopy wearing hat 'Honk if you're a C.B.'er' Bumper Sticker

Snoopy wearing hat ‘Honk if you’re a C.B.’er’ Bumper Sticker
Hallmark, Mid 1970s

Snoopy & Woodstock 'What this country needs is a good 5 cent root beer' Bumper Sticker

Snoopy & Woodstock ‘What this country needs is a good 5 cent root beer’ Bumper Sticker, Hallmark, 1970s

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