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Framed Snoopy Bed Sheet


Old bed sheets are bringing crazy prices on the secondary market. Not only are they fun to use, they’re also interesting to craft with. Personally, I like to leave them intact since I’m a preservation-type collector. I also don’t like paying a ton of money for them. I like to display them, so finding them out of the package is always nice.

How much is a Framed Snoopy Bed Sheet worth?

This piece on eBay, however, is an odd mix of the crafting I don’t agree with and the displaying I love. As the seller guessed, it is a bed sheet cut up in a frame. The positioning is a little awkward though, and not really pleasing to behold. The green frame is a nice touch, but it does need fixing. There are lots of ways to get great Peanuts artwork at this price range, so I’m not sure why anyone would pay over $40-65 for the pieces this seller has. If you love this look, it might be worth finding the original sheet and framing to suit the artwork, not fitting the artwork to the frame.

More Snoopy Bed Sheets to Explore!

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peanuts find of the week

If you enjoy our Snoopy Sanity Checks, you’ll love our Peanuts Find of the Week! It’s a fantastic Peanuts treasure at a reasonable asking price. You’ll learn why I’m so enthusiastic about my find. Plus, you might want to buy it for your collection. Sample our finds on CollectPeanuts.com…

A note on prices

When reviewing these articles, be sure to note the date. Market prices fluctuate with availability and interest in a subject. Putting a value on items can be nuanced and comes from the perspective of buying to enjoy in a collection. I also tend to be conservative with valuations to account for the ups and downs in market values. 

Peanuts Finds from eBay

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